first of all I will send you one file showing how the supervisor need to fill th

first of all I will send you one file showing how the supervisor need to fill that table of letratureviw including dependence and independence variables…etc. And i need all files of articales and research you used and note the refrence.
Also I will send you the structure you can follow it. also I want to enclude in chapter 1 introduction the following:
1. find information on existing of indirect tax in Oman.
2. current revenues of the government of Oman.
3. Do the government give any returnes to the sitizen.
4. Why Oman need to intrduce VAT.
5. find information in indirect tax system.
6. what are the implication: standared of leaving, what are the measurement, social equality, property. (Oman Prospective).
7. articales in tax policy and tax implementation.
8. implication (Gap)
9. Geographical.
chapter 2:
dependent variables and independent variables.

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