***Extremly Important Example is Attached, must mirror the attachment****** Whit

***Extremly Important Example is Attached, must mirror the attachment******
White Paper Elements
Following are the elements of the white paper that you must include for your course project: Listed in Sections
A snappy, attention-getting title that is unambiguous. The linked examples below demonstrate this well. There is no question what the issue is, but each is more memorable than a traditional journal article’s title
A table of contents that clearly and concisely lays out the paper. Each linked example has an excellent table of contents. As with the paper title, each heading is unambiguous and attention-getting.
An abstract or executive summary. Unlike the abstracts that you find at the beginning of published articles or book chapters, a white paper abstract needs to clearly address each key element in your proposed plan, but do so in approximately one page. Write concisely.
An introduction that defines the issue or concern you are addressing and makes an immediate connection to the decision makers. A clear understanding of who the decision makers are and their backgrounds is essential. Do you need to convince the chief financial officer (CFO)? Then stress that you have quantifiable evidence. Perhaps you need to convince the chief information officer (CIO); then accurate, clear data will help you. Know what each wants to see and be certain you address that in the introduction. A clear understanding of who the decision makers are and their backgrounds is essential. Do you need to convince the CFO? Then stress that you have quantifiable evidence. Perhaps you also need to convince the CIO. Then accurate, clear data will help you. Know what each wants to see and be certain you address that in the introduction. You should use professional literature sparingly—use the most critical sources only and explain why each source is important for them to know (for example, anything by Knowles). Complete the following:Draft an introduction that defines your issue or concern about the current state of your organization that will make an immediate connection to the decision makers.In a brief footnote to your course instructor, identify who your decision makers are and how you are attempting in your paper to draw their interest into the issue.Appraise the advantage each characteristic of a learning organization would provide your specific company or institution in this situation, using graphics to support text as appropriate.Examine strategies that can enhance adult education praxis in learning organizations, using graphics to support text as appropriate.
Your proposal for a solution—in this case, implementing processes that support a learning organization, emphasizing adult learning theory and practice—and an explicit presentation of the benefits of your solution. Depending on the current state of your organization, you might need to promote change at multiple levels. Regardless of the number of changes, be concise and use simple graphics whenever possible—a great option is a flow chart clearly showing the new process versus the old. Another is a graph showing how existing funds can cover the changes. People usually prefer visuals to text; make visuals that convey the essential elements of your proposal, and use color and legible fonts. If your chart looks like a paragraph, it’s less likely to be read. Again, use professional literature only when it is critically important. Describe what you’re proposing as a solution—in this case, implementation of processes that support a learning organization, emphasizing adult learning theory and practice—along with an explicit presentation of the benefits of your solution. Depending on the current state of your organization, you might need to promote change at multiple levels. Regardless of the number of changes, be concise and use simple graphics whenever possible—one great option is a flow chart clearly showing the new process versus the old. Another is a graph showing how existing funds can cover the changes. People usually prefer visuals to text; make visuals that convey the essential elements of your proposal, and use color and legible fonts. If your chart looks like a paragraph, it’s less likely to be read. Again, use professional literature only when it is critically important.
Draft your proposed solution along with an explicit presentation of the benefits your solution provides your organization. Your solution should incorporate the following:
Strategies to enhance the integration of learning organization characteristics into your organization.
Strategies that demonstrate the positive role of adult education praxis in creating and maintaining learning organizations.
Graphics that support your text as appropriate.
A directive action plan. What do you want your key people to do? What do you need from them? When do you need it? Make them part of the team and describe what the team needs to do to make a difference.

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