Every program has risks associated with it. This week, I want you to review your

Every program has risks associated with it. This week, I want you to review your idea and provide a risk analysis. What are the potential risks involved with this program, and what processes can be put in place to manage these risks? One specific risk that I want you to discuss is related to cultural differences. Please assume that your company is a multinational corporation…will this program work in all areas of the business? If not, how can it be adapted for the other country/countries involved?
Comments from Customer
Amoatemaa, Abena Serwaa, and Dorcas Darkoah Kyeremeh. “Making Employee Recognition a
Tool for Achieving Improved Performance: Implication for Ghanaian Universities.” Journal of Education and Practice 7.34 (2016): 46-52.
Antoni, Conny H., et al. “Reward management.” Journal of Personnel Psychology (2017).
Eshun, Frank Kwaku Duah. “Rewards as a Motivation tool for Employee Performance.” (2011).
Kang, Eungoo, and Hyoyoung Lee. “Employee Compensation Strategy as Sustainable
Competitive Advantage for HR Education Practitioners.” Sustainability 13.3 (2021): 1049.
Nielsen, Karina, et al. “Workplace resources to improve both employee well-being and
performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis.” Work & Stress 31.2 (2017): 101-120.
Vance, Robert J. “Employee engagement and commitment.” SHRM foundation (2006): 1-53. Discipline: Organizational Behavior

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