Books and Resources for this Week 4 PSY 7110 Byrne, D. (2017). Research ethics.

Books and Resources for this Week 4 PSY 7110
Byrne, D. (2017). Research ethics. Project planner. SAGE Research Methods.
Office for Human Research Protections. (2016, February 16). 45 CFR 46 Code of federal regulations [Web resource].
Rogers, B. (2005). Research with protected populations—vulnerable participants. AAOHN Journal, 53(4), 156-157.
Week 4 – Assignment: Assess Ethical Considerations when Conducting Research
Select any peer-reviewed study (i.e., it can be a qualitative or quantitative study). Outline the purpose of the study and how the study was implemented (describe the procedure). Be sure to select a study that includes the recruitment of human subjects; do not select a study where the researchers completed a meta-analysis, systematic review, or a simple literature review. Comment specifically on the following ethical issues in your critique of the study:
• Determine if the participants were vulnerable in any way and explain why or why not.
• If you had to conduct this study at NCU, identify who would be required to grant permissions to conduct the study (e.g., sites, IRBs).
• Explain whether participants were coerced in any way to take part in the study. Explain your answer even if the answer is no.
• Comment on how issues of anonymity were dealt with in the study.
• Comment on how issues of confidentiality were dealt with in the study.
• What restrictions did ethical issues play in the design of this study? For example, was the number and type of participant affected by ethical concerns?
Support your assignment with your selected resource. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.
Length: 4-6 pages, not including title and reference pages
Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

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