Be able to provide a case/defense answering the question: In the historical cont

Be able to provide a case/defense answering the question: In the historical context when this topic/legislative action was taken, why was it important at the time, and what long-term impacts did it have on the commercial aviation industry?
write a paper of 4-5 pages, excluding the cover page, charts, tables, graphs, diagrams, photographs, the reference page, and the appendix, in accordance with APA standards using the current edition. Refer to the rubric for grading. Ensure that you have not plagiarized any material, that you do not use Wikipedia, and only use scholarly and valid sources. Please try to meet the rubric as much as you possibly can!
Context / Introduction
Paper should provide an introduction and a research problem that is related to the field of applicable discipline. Presents relationships between factors with examples. Should develop a coherent, central theme that is expressed in an organized, and logical manner throughout.
Paper should provide comprehensive identification and analysis of issues in the realm of applicable discipline. Should design a course of action to solve the proposed research problem using multi-disciplinary principles, if appropriate. The evidence should come from valid sources. References should be complete and reflect appropriate sources.
Paper should contain well-supported argument based on relevant concepts and theories, providing new ideas to the applicable discipline. Argument should be logical and use examples, evidence, research, and/or data from course content and from valid, external information sources.
Decisions and conclusions should be a result of analysis and synthesis of evidence. Should formulate resolution and recommendations, and may contribute to improvements in the applicable discipline. Conclusion could include possible consequences and outcome scenarios.
Style & Mechanics
Mechanics of style should enhance content understanding, and writing skillfully supports the message and is in required format. Citations and references present and IAW APA.

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