Assignmemt 1: This week we will read about European colonization and the Middle

Assignmemt 1: This week we will read about European colonization and the Middle Passage, the part of the Triangular Trade which brought Africans from the continent of Africa to the Americas for the institution of slavery. We will also examine the role slavery played in Colonial America. Read pages 13; 35-37; 43-46; 54-68; and 87-90 from the textbook (Links to an external site.) After completing the reading assignment type a one-page summary and upload it into Canvas. Reading summaries, worth 5 points each, will be graded on the clarity of expression, organization of ideas, thoughtful analysis, written primarily in your own words, and proper citations.
Assignment 2: This week we will watch a video about the Middle Passage, the part of the Triangular Trade which brought Africans from the continent of Africa to the Americas for the institution of slavery. We will also examine the role slavery played in Colonial America. Using very specific details/evidence from the documentary, compose a 2-4 paragraph (3-5 sentences per paragraph) reflection on some of the most powerful scenes and stories from the video, or complete a video analysis worksheet. (Please be very specific in your use of details from the film).

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