Assess the validity of Edelman’s arguments about social change. Use at least two

Assess the validity of Edelman’s arguments about social change. Use at least two or three examples from the current political environment covered in news stories to illustrate your points. The best essays will develop a unifying conceptual framework to tie its points together. Your essays should address questions such as the following:
• Why is talk about change so common and change that improves the conditions for most people so rare?
• What are some of the intellectual obstacles to meaningful social change?
• What are some of the institutional obstacles to meaningful social change?
• How do power, privilege and social roles serve to prevent meaningful social change?
• How does politics reflect and reinforce inequality?
• What kind of impact do the changes that do occur have on fundamental inequalities?
Your essays must be typewritten, double-spaced, and no more than five pages. To score well, your essays should probably not be less than five pages either. Be as detailed as possible in your analysis, but also strive to be concise. Your arguments are strongest when you identify and respond to opposing views.
I will add the reading by the end of the day as they havent been opened yet.

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