You are to produce a report that helps the school’s managers make an informed de

You are to produce a report that helps the school’s managers make an informed decision. ( Please read and follow the instructions carefully. And avoiding copying and pasting too much of the content of this brief, you could be penalized! Case attached, please read carefully) The report needs to have the following sections with approximate word count in each:
a) Title (an appealing title)
b) Executive summary: A brief statement about what you did, the recommendations for
school officials and the masks suppliers
c) Some initial evidence about the impact(s) of masks in primary schools. Here you need
to collate information from different research journal articles and provide two (2) different graphic charts of your selection. Using appropriate data representation forms, you would need to show an initial (not yet fully tested by you) correlation between mask use and new cases of infection being registered: one that avoids a cognitive bias (you can choose which bias you want to avoid). Narrative plus charts: 200 words.
d) Present descriptive statistic measures of central tendency from the data set provided in MS Excel (150 words).
e) Description of how you performed a correlation test using MS Excel
f) Main findings of the above test
g) So what? Based on your evidence (findings), will compulsory wearing of masks help
reduce new infection cases?
h) Calculation of break-even point for mask production/sale in the vicinity. Can a break-
even point be achieved in a period of three months by selling less than 200 masks
per month? (200 words).
i) Please use Harvard Referencing Style.

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