Watch and listen to this discussion from the 2019 World Science Festival. ( http

Watch and listen to this discussion from the 2019 World Science Festival. ( ) In at least 200 words (check the rubric for more details on grading) discuss these three points: 1) The parallel between the changes modernity has brought to the environment (macroecology) and to our bodies (microecology); 2) The concept of causality versus association when studying the microbiome; 3) The current status of evidence about probiotcs. Then summarize the discussion about the connection between the microbiome and two of the diseases/conditions discussed in the video: 1) Asthma and the hygiene hypothesis; 2) Obesity and inflammation; 3) Inflammatory Bowel Disease and the inheritance of microbial genes; 4) C. difficile colitis and fecal transplants; 5) Psychiatric/neurological conditions.

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