View any one of the following movies making notes as you do. There is no need to

View any one of the following movies making notes as you do. There is no need to purchase the movie you choose. Some of these movies can be viewed on Netflix or other streaming service.
A Hidden Life (2019)
Breakthrough (2019)
I Can Only Imagine (2018)
Silence (2016)
Fireproof (2008)
Facing the Giants (2006)
Faith like Potatoes (2006)
The Second Chance (2006)
Flywheel (2003)
Wit (2001)
Chocolat (2000)
An instructor-approved faith-based movie of your choosing (need not be Christian)
Write a 3-page paper that unpacks and analyzes issues of theological concern as the movie plot relates to one or more of the following—Christian witness, conversion, the sacraments, faith in the face of suffering and tragedy, end of life moral conflict, temptation, the power of prayer and intercession, the Spirit at work, discipleship, repentance, forgiveness, other gospel themes. Relate to the readings or to what you have learned thus far in this course.

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