Use three articles from the “Source Articles” to write a five-paragraph essay on

Use three articles from the “Source Articles” to write a five-paragraph essay on [one of the following]:
1. How has Africa been integrated into the global economy since 1600?
2. How had much of the world become economically transformed by 1900?
3. Why have some countries become wealthy since 1800 while others have remained in poverty or even gotten poorer?
4. How have different countries dealt with the social question and what are some similarities and differences? – You must use at least one example from the 1900s
5. Why has it been so difficult for democracy to take root in many countries during the 1900s?
6. How was the 1800s pivotal in shaping the modern world today? Please discuss at least three different continents.
7. Compare and contrast the different means that non-Western countries have used to obtain independence from the West? Make sure to provide information on the colonial context of the 1800s and 1900s.
A paragraph should be 1/2 a page, double spaced.
Each body paragraph should focus on one source and include a quote from that source.
You will focus on three articles from the “Source Articles” and provide 1 one-two sentence quote per article.
There should be no quotes in the introduction, or the conclusion and no paragraph should begin with a quote. All body paragraphs need to begin with a topic sentence.
This is a five-paragraph essay with an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph:
Paragraph #1: Introduction with a thesis statement.
Paragraph #2 (body paragraph #1) – focus on source #1 – include a 1-2 sentence quote from this source
Paragraph #3 (body paragraph #2) – focus on source #2 – include a 1-2 sentence quote from this source
Paragraph #4 (body paragraph #3) – focus on source #3 – include a 1-2 sentence quote from this source
Paragraph #5 – conclusion- summarize your main points. You should summarize each source for paragraphs 2-4, and the body paragraphs should have the analysis. For example, you could compare and contrast how different countries did or did not address the social question.
I have uploaded files of the 60 pieces of “Source Articles”, you should just use 3 of them, and you should only choose one of the 7 questions to make the essay.
If you have any questions about requirements, contact me by the IQessay message.
Thank you so much.

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