Use a report or periodical article from the list of articles in the instruction

Use a report or periodical article from the list of articles in the instructions that contain at least two different graphical representations of data or use one of the supplied articles. Interpret the graphs and present your findings in a brief PowerPoint presentation (6-10 slides).
Business administrators and managers are often called upon to interpret data that analysts have provided to them. This requires an understanding of the data sources (when, where, and how data is collected; formatted or stored; and used), as well as what that data looks like and how it can be summarized. In this first assessment, you are asked to locate any report or periodical article used in a business context of interest to you that contains at least two different graphical representations of data. You will interpret the graphical data representations and present your findings in a brief PowerPoint deck as if you were presenting during a company meeting.
In this assessment, you will learn about the collection, formatting, and use of raw data, as well as graphical and tabular methods for summarizing it. You will also get started with the technology that you will use in this course: Microsoft Excel (including the Data Analysis ToolPak add-in).
You have been invited to present at a departmental meeting with employees from all levels within the organization. You have been allotted 6-10 minutes to speak.
Your Role
The purpose of your speech is to explain the business context as well as two charts or tables that you have evaluated as a business analyst of the organization.
Your business report to the group will be a slide presentation with speaker notes and appropriate citations and references.
I have attached the instructions with articles to choose from, an example of the assignment completed, and the scoring guide.

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