To receive full credit, each answer must be a MINIMUM of 400-500 words and must

To receive full credit, each answer must be a MINIMUM of 400-500 words and must address ALL parts of the question. If you are using sources to help with your answer, you MUST CITE ALL SOURCES using APA format (see syllabus for link to style sheet).
1. A collectivist mindset means that you are more interested in the community’s success than you are in personal/individual success. Using two of our theorists, discuss 2-3 specific points about why a collectivist/community orientation might be important for society.
3. Is the concept of “class struggle” still relevant in modern society? Use Karl Marx and Freiderch Engels The Communist Manifesto and Race and Culture Contacts: A Sociological Problem E. Franklin Frazier to discuss 2-3 specific ways in which it is or is not relevant, using quotations from the text.
5. Erving Goffman says we have a “front stage” self and a “backstage” self. Use Goffman and The Consciouness of Self- William James and Some effects of Disconnecting the cerebral hemisphere- Roger Sperry to discuss 2-3 points on how the person we show to the world is or is not the same as the person we are inside, using quotations from the text.

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