This is an essay that is a response to the question down. The hard thing is you

This is an essay that is a response to the question down. The hard thing is you need to use only sources that I upload and no outside sources so please don’t take the order if you cant read and use the sources I provide. All the information you will write about should be from the sources provided. The other thing is it’s due in less than 20 hours so yea.
-Your answer should be an essay for each set of questions with at least 2-3 pages, double-spaced, and in a Times New Roman 12 font. -Please stick to the topics, Please cite all sources used, giving references to specific pages when necessary
-To receive a full mark (25 points per set or 50 in total) you need to answer ALL questions within the essay question.
Many agrarian reforms have tried to promote economic growth by replacing small family farms with large-scale, commercial farms operating with modern legal arrangements. Does the history of the English agricultural revolution support that policy stance? Is English history consistent with, or out of line with, the history of agricultural development in Asia, Africa, and Latin America?

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