This final examination is worth 30% of your final grade in this course. Please m

This final examination is worth 30% of your final grade in this course. Please make sure that you read the questions carefully and answer four of the six short-answer questions (only), and the two long-answer questions.
The exam consists of two sections. Section I is comprised of four (out of a total of six) short-answer essay questions that should be completed in short essay format (about a half-page each). Section II comprises two long-answer essay questions that should be answered in essay format. For the short- and long-answer questions, you are required to limit your answers to the space provided.
Would you please ensure to reference all sources in APA formatting?
Responses should be single-spaced, typed.
Each of the short-answer questions is worth five marks, and each of the long-answer questions is worth twenty marks.

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