The purpose of this end-of-course activity is to be introspective and reflect on

The purpose of this end-of-course activity is to be introspective and reflect on what you’ve learned in this course. To help you organize your thinking, describe the outcomes of your study and effort that have been most important to you, and, as appropriate, to your present position or career aspirations.
A.  Outcomes. List five important concepts, processes, principles, ideas, people, or facts you learned in this course. For each, describe why learning this or that was important to you personally or professionally. For example, did one or more of these concepts, processes, etc., produce:
A significant shift in your knowledge base and hence a new way or altered way of thinking or behaving?
A shift in your attitude or belief system?
A reorientation of how you look at this or that, or appreciate this or that?
A productive change in your skill-level in your present occupation?
B.  Goals. Did you achieve your personal goals for the course?
C.  Importance. Describe the general importance of PSYC 4306 to you personally and/or professionally. Like a paper, this should wrap things up and be your concluding paragraph.
As with your papers in Weeks 2, 4, and 6, your self-evaluation paper will be analyzed with a plagiarism checker. You may see this report. Sometimes it takes a little time to get the report. Once you see your report, you may, if you choose, revise and resubmit your self-evaluation.

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