The paper needs to be expanded and two- three more secondary sources need to be

The paper needs to be expanded and two- three more secondary sources need to be used.
Suggested Outline & Paper Structure
• Introductory Section (1-2 pages)
Define social construction, drawing on a mix of assigned and secondary sources. Are there a few different definitions? Why? Anchor this discussion of social construction in an area (the “case study”) you can develop as an
example. Will you talk about gender? Race? Sexuality? Something else?
• Body Section (2-3 pages)
What if your readers don’t believe that ________ is socially constructed?
What if they think ________ is biological, inevitable, etc? What examples
would best convince them otherwise?
Suggested Outline & Paper Structure
• Final Section (1-2 pages)
What do you want to remind readers of about the relationship of the phenomenon or identity (ie race, gender) you wrote about? Are you cautioning them about something? Hoping to have taught them something? This is your “last chance” to explain! Suggested Outline & Paper Structure
• Final Section (1-2 pages)
What do you want to remind readers of about the relationship of the phenomenon or identity (ie race, gender) you wrote about? Are you cautioning them about something? Hoping to have taught them

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