Scenario: You are recently elected as “Public Advocate” for New York City in 202

Scenario: You are recently elected as “Public Advocate” for New York City in 2020. During this era of mass incarceration with well over 2 million people incarcerated and 7 million under some form of correctional supervision, you are tasked with a new bill to “Ban the Box” for formerly incarcerated/convicted offenders (ie: system impacted individuals). Some people argue that “Ban the Box” is an essential policy for social justice as it provides legal opportunities for employment, housing, and education. While others argue that employers lose the ability to select strong candidates to work in their companies, reducing safety for their other employees and the public. Are you in support or against this new “Ban the Box” bill/policy?
Prompt: Using the document library come up with a 4-page argument (1,000 word minimum) as to why “Ban the Box” should or should not be passed. Be sure to rely on the information from these documents and be careful to cite or mention them as further proof that you are informed on the topic. While your personal values and experiences are valuable, and may influence your ideas, try to build on an argument based only on the evidence provided in these documents:
Document Library:
Document #1: Why “Banning the Box” is such a Big Deal for the Formerly Incarcerated” (2015)
Document #2: Out of Prison & Out of Work: Unemployment among formerly incarcerated people (2017)
Document #3: Letter from formerly incarcerated individual to “Public Advocate” (January 2019)
Document #4: Letter from employer to “Public Advocate” (February 2019)
Document #5: “Ban the Box” does more harm than good (2016)
Document #6: Don’t Ban the Box inquiring About Criminal Convictions on Job Applications (2014)
Assessment Rubric:
· Take a position: Choose a position in support or opposition of this statement (15 points)
· Thorough Analysis of the Issue: Refer to the Document Library and feel free to use the additional readings we discussed in class (30 points)
· Views from different perspectives (15 points)
APA Citations are required: (1) (2) Papers without citations will earn a zero.

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