Respond to the following in a minimum of 250 words (refer to Research Materials

Respond to the following in a minimum of 250 words (refer to Research Materials below and course materials:
Common types of cyberattacks include socially engineered malware, password phishing attacks, and security breaches related to unpatched software. These attacks have become so common that organizations need to have incident response plans ready.
Describe the steps in an incident response plan and what happens in each. How are the objectives in each step achieved? (There are various approaches to this. I will accept any approach that includes all response objectives.)
Describe the incident response team roles needed. (Be sure to include all roles needed to achieve all objectives described in the first bullet.)
Explain how to help ensure a less likelihood that the incident will happen again and how to better handle incidents in the future. (How do we use root cause analysis, and what does it tell us?)

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