Replies to A Should be at least 200 words in length. It is all right to disagre

Replies to A
Should be at least 200 words in length.
It is all right to disagree with something posted by another, however your responses should always be thoughtful and respectful and reflect your opinions professionally
I was not aware of the term social determinants until reading the Healthy People 2020 article included in this lesson. Social determinants of health are conditions in the environments in which people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks (Offices of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion [ODPHP], 2021). As nurses, we should realize there an abundance of social determinants of health that are affecting our population as we speak. When it comes to our patients’ health, the only people who can help in that aspect are us as their nurses, their physicians, and themselves. Therefore, it is up to us to make them aware of the things in their life that is affecting their health. We, the nurses, need to make sure we are teaming up with each person responsible for our patients’ health. This means anyone that is a part of their interdisciplinary team and/or any physician that make provide care to them. If we work together, our patient’s will be better taken care of. If they remain fully informed about their care, it is a great possibility that they will stop going to the physician’s office every time they think something may be wrong, even if it is just a common cold. They will learn to treat dry skin at home versus going to the doctor. Also, remaining informed means they will know when they do need to visit a physician, rather than staying home and trying to beat the things that cannot be controlled without the help of a physician and his/her team. We are aware of the communities that typically need the most help and oversight from their healthcare team. This is the people who are from various cultures and poorer communities. When we remain aware of this, and the physicians stay up-to-date on what is going on in their communities and the different illnesses erupting in those areas, the utmost care can be provided to those diverse consumers. Being informative to the community about the things they need to hear, and in a way they can understand, is very important for those consumers. It takes an entire healthcare team being aware, versus one member trying to accomplish it all, in order to provide the necessary care. How can your patients be fully informed about their health whenever the people providing the care to them are not even fully informed? This is so very important.
Offices of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (2021, October 27). Social determinants of health | healthy people 2020.
Replies to B
Should be at least 200 words in length.
It is all right to disagree with something posted by another, however your responses should always be thoughtful and respectful and reflect your opinions professionally
Nurses can collaborate with physicians and other healthcare providers to improve primary care, decrease overuse, and increase the underutilization of healthcare services. Instead of wasting time trying to save a costly and ineffective system, we should focus on health reform that lowers costs, enhances the quality and accessibility of care, and maintains the patient-doctor relationship. Americans need help to cover out-of-pocket expenditures, reduce prescription costs at the pharmacy counter, and increase the number of low-cost insurance options, all while protecting those with pre-existing conditions. Nurses should stand up to unfair working circumstances. Being under pressure to overwork or rush through necessary medical procedures affects patient outcomes. The Code of Ethics sets a moral imperative for nurses to reduce health disparities and appropriately allocate resources. Nurses are uniquely qualified to handle major public health issues such as lack of medical coverage, health equity, and socioeconomic determinants of health.
Home visits have benefits that can improve health outcomes and reduce spending on patients with complicated requirements, such as those with chronic illnesses or recently discharged from the hospital. Home visits, according to ACOs, enable them to obtain a better picture of a patient’s home life. This includes any safety hazards or health hurdles while also allowing them to create connections with patients and engage them in managing their health to reduce hospital and other care use (Fraze et al., 2019). All Americans are entitled to the same opportunities to make healthy choices. However, advancements are required in healthcare and in industries such as childcare, education, housing, community planning, business, law, transportation, and agriculture to ensure that all Americans have that chance ( Overutilization and underutilization are fostered by a fee-for-service payment system that promotes high volumes of care for insured patients, even if ineffective. Each item, operation, and intervention is charged and reimbursed under the fee-for-service paradigm; the more intensive and thorough the care, the higher the compensation. All services generate income for the organization or provider, even if they are unproductive or harmful. As a result, there is a lot of overtreatment, overutilization, and waste. In addition, new types of care in which nurses collaborate with others to provide services aimed directly at improving health and well-being outcomes are an exciting, socially significant, and ethical approach to improving health and lowering costs (Nickitas et al., 2019).
Fostering a diverse and culturally aware atmosphere among healthcare providers strengthens the healthcare team and enhances patient care delivery. Healthcare providers with cross-cultural understanding are more receptive to unfamiliar ideas, practices, or actions. It also promotes patient collaboration and allows them to answer more quickly. Incorporating cultural sensitivity into the healthcare industry increases efficiency in reaching many different groups of people and giving a non-biased approach to care, leading to more useful services and outreach. To improve cultural competence in health care, we should offer interpreting services and recruit and keep a diverse workforce. Increase cultural awareness, knowledge, and abilities by providing training. Work with traditional healers, if necessary. Work with community health workers.
Culture-specific attitudes and values should be incorporated into health promotion methods. Diversity expectations in job descriptions and performance review standards are included in diversity-oriented health care organizations’ job descriptions and performance review standards, which helps raise awareness. In addition, employers also provide annual cultural competence training. In addition, the organizations create patient and employee literature and signage in various languages. The most important way to solve so many societal issues is to be aware, resist making assumptions, gain knowledge about other cultures, establish trust and mutual understanding, conquer language barriers, teach patients regarding healthcare practices, and actively listen(Nair & Adetayo, 2019).
Fraze, T. K., Beidler, L. B., Briggs, A. & Colla, C. H. (2019). ACOs commonly use home visits for complex patients during care transitions. (2019). Social determinants of health.
Nair, L., & Adetayo, O. A. (2019). Cultural Competence and Ethnic Diversity in Healthcare. Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open, 7(5), e2219.

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