Read the Point/Counterpoint on page 534 of your text:<Organizations Should S

Read the Point/Counterpoint on page 534 of your text:<
Organizations Should Strive to Create a Positive Organizational Culture<
Should organizations do all they can to establish a positive culture, because it works, or is<
building positive culture manipulative?<
Your assignment is to write an 8 page paper arguing both points and ending with the role<
of management in the establishment of the organizational culture, incorporating the four<
functions of management (as described in chapter 1 of your textbook) into this portion of<
the discussion.<
• The first section should argue that an organization should do all they can to establish a<
positive culture.<
• The next section should argue that building a positive culture is manipulative.<
• This section should discuss the role of management in creating an organization’s culture.<
Incorporate the four functions of management into this section of your paper.<
Additionally, although global managers perform the same basic functions as domestic<
managers (planning, organizing, leading, controlling), in what ways might they need to<
adjust for more variables and environments when operating in a foreign market (e.g.,<
planning to export; planning stages of different cultures; controlling language barriers or<
differing legal requirements)<
I do not want a title page. Please just include your name, email address, and date in the<
top left-hand corner of the first page only. Papers should be double-spaced, 12 point font,<
Times New Roman with 1” margins on all four sides.<
Supporting documentation is required: A minimum of 6 peer-reviewed references must be<
cited within the paper – two peer-reviewed references for each of the three sections<
listed above. The peer-reviewed references should be cited within the paper using APA<
format for the citations within the paper and on the reference page. You may provide as<
many additional references as you like, as long as you meet the minimum number listed<
above. Again, the paper should be 8 pages in length. The reference page will count as<
page number 9.<
Finding a peer-reviewed reference: Go to link labeled ‘Gee Library'<
Your paper will automatically by submitted to when placed in submission<
“A” (90-100):<
• Writes a well thought-out paper that fully covers the chosen subjects<
• Incorporates pertinent and detailed information from peer-reviewed sources and text(s),<
providing needed evidence.<
• Maintains focus/avoids being sidetracked by tangents<
• Presents all information clearly and concisely and in an organized manner<
• Avoids distracting grammar/spelling/etc. problems<
• Follows APA formatting guidelines exactly<
• Provides more than the minimum of 6 peer-reviewed sources and additionally<
incorporates other sources<
• Length of paper meets the requirement<
“B” essay (80-89):<
• Writes a well thought-out paper that fully covers the chosen subjects, but not as<
thorough as an “A” paper<
• Incorporates some pertinent and detailed information from peer-reviewed sources and<
text(s), providing needed evidence.<
• Mostly maintains focus/avoids being sidetracked by tangents<
• Presents most information clearly and concisely and in an organized manner with very<
minor organization problems<
• May contain a few distracting grammar/spelling/etc. problems<
• Follows APA formatting guidelines almost exact<
• Provides a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed sources and incorporates other source(s)<
• Length of paper meets the minimum requirement<
“C” essay (70-79):<
• Addresses the chosen subjects, but not as well or thorough as a “B” paper.<
• Does not adequately incorporate pertinent and detailed information from peerreviewed<
sources and text(s), providing needed evidence.<
• Doesn’t maintain focus and gets somewhat sidetracked by tangents and strays from the<
topic (more than a “B” paper)<
• Presents little information clearly or concisely and in lacks organization in many areas<
• May contain several distracting grammar/spelling/etc. problems<
• Somewhat tries to follow APA formatting guidelines<
• Provides a minimum of 4 peer-reviewed sources<
• Length of paper almost meets the minimum requirement<
“D” essay (60-69):<
• Does not directly address the chosen subjects<
• Does not adequately incorporate pertinent and detailed information from peerreviewed<
sources and text(s) or provide needed evidence.<
• Lacks focus and gets sidetracked by tangents and completely strays from the topic<
(more than a “C” paper)<
• Information is not clearly or concisely presented and in lacks overall organization<
• Contain many distracting grammar/spelling/etc. problems<
• Doesn’t follow APA formatting guidelines<
• Provides a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed sources<
• Length of paper doesn’t the minimum requirement<
“F” essay (59 and below):<
• Does not address the chosen subjects<
• Does not incorporate pertinent information from peer-reviewed sources and text(s)<
• Complete loss of focus and gets continuously sidetracked by tangents and completely<
strays from the topic<
• Information is unclearly presented and in lacks total organization<
• Contains much distracting grammar/spelling/etc. problems and is basically<
• Doesn’t use APA formatting guidelines<
• Doesn’t provides peer-reviewed sources<
• Length of paper doesn’t the minimum requirement

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