Read the chapters 17 and 21 from the book. Book link- https://assets.openstax.or

Read the chapters 17 and 21 from the book. Book link-
Select the concept that is boldly highlighted and has a clear definition – for example, for the chapter 21 you can select the concept of value-added theory; for chapter 17, for example, you may select the concept of AUTHORITY. First sentence should look like this: This meme demonstrates the concept of …(your chosen concept)….
THE NEXT SENTENCE IS NECESSARY: (YOUR CHOSEN CONCEPT) IS …(DEFINITION FROM THE BOOK) (AUTHORS FROM THE BOOK, PAGE # WHERE THIS INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND). Rest of the page you should devote to explaining how the meme is connected to the chosen concept.
REST OF THE INSTRUCTIONS ARE IN THE FILE “FA 21 Meme Instructions.” Read the instructions and follow them!!!
Look at the sample #1 in the file “SOC 121 memesamples” you should follow sample #1; it’s very good guide for you. Sample #2 provides a good example of in-text citation. Use can use the same citation as he did. SUBMIT YOUR WORK IN PDF FILE!

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