read 3 articles and answer one question about each of them. The 3 responses shou

read 3 articles and answer one question about each of them. The 3 responses should not exceed 3.5 pages single spaced 12 pt. font.
*answer questions thoroughly please.
Jobs to be done article question :
1. Explain and provide examples of the concept of customers’ “jobs to done” as discussed by Clayton M. Christensen and his colleagues? How can you reconceptualize a product or service as Southern New Hampshire University did for its online programs, consistent with the “jobs to be done” concept.
Emotional cues that work magic article question :
2. Explain how emotions may influence the consumption experience, providing examples as discussed in the article “Emotional Cues that Work Magic on Customers”. How can marketers strategically use these emotional effects?
Creativity in advertising article question:
3. Is more creative advertising more effective than less creative advertising? Explain the dimensions of creativity described in the article by Reinartz and Saffert. What aspects of creativity are most effective when combined in an advertising campaign?

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