Please write well-crafted, polished essay around eight and ten pages (double-spa

Please write well-crafted, polished essay around eight and ten pages (double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font [this font] or something comparable). You need not do any research outside the primary sources (provided in the textbook anthologies and on Blackboard) and Spence’s The Search for Modern China. 1) Discuss the notion of “Westernization” and its relationship to “modernization” in modern Chinese intellectual history from the Self-Strengthening Movement in the nineteenth century to Liu Xiaobo in the early twenty-first century. What socio-political factors influenced either the various imaginings of “the West” and/or “Westernization”, and its relationship to China in various periods? OR 2) Discuss the significance “youth” in modern Chinese history from the New Culture Movement to the Tiananmen Square Incident of 1989 (you might even go back to the educational mission of 1870s). In what ways have the notions of “youth” been used as a tool of either reform or social control. How have China’s youth and youth culture been instrumental in political and/or cultural movements? Jonathan D. Spence, The Search for Modern China, third edition (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2013). Janet Chen, Pei-kai Cheng, and Michael Lestz with Jonathan D. Spence, ed., The Search for Modern China: A Documentary Collection, third edition (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2014). Wm. Theodore deBary and Richard Lufrano, ed., Sources of Chinese Tradition, vol. 2, second edition (New York: Columbia University Press, 1999).

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