***Please refer to the attached document (BLOG3-5+ReflectiveSummary_guide.docx)

***Please refer to the attached document (BLOG3-5+ReflectiveSummary_guide.docx) for the details of work***
=>Task 1: Developing your IS Digital Portfolio (3 blogs), which should be based on given case study (refer to the “Case Study Brief”), linking to scholar research are welcome but these should be your own précis with referenced quotes, and careful referencing should be adhered to throughout, along Harvard Referencing guidelines or hyperlinks in blogs to referenced websites. DO NOT repeat what has been gone through in the other blog due to the word limit. The blog should consist of i) Introduction, ii) Main body, iii) Conclusion/summary and iv) Reference.
==>Task 2: Use of online Collaborative Technologies and Reflective Summary
You should submit a reflective writing which summarizes your 5 blog writing (i.e. 3 blogs above + another 2 blogs in the previous 2 orders ) and online discussion forum experiences, accompanied by evidence support of your contribution to the online Discussion Forum (e.g. screenshots) throughout this module. You should use Gibbs’ Reflective Model as framework. (refer to “Reflect Writing.pptx” and the video “Introduction to Reflective Writing“). In this Reflective Summary, no reference is required.

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