P‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍lease, find attached the “Extraction Sheet” for systematic

P‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍lease, find attached the “Extraction Sheet” for systematic review and meta-analysis. 6 studies will be uploaded on the topic of Using Transdermal‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ Nicotine Patch compared to a placebo in Smoking Cessation all the required studies details need to be extracted in the Excel “Extraction Sheet”‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍.

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