Oral Language Development Lesson Plan: Please note: – Do the lesson for a 2nd gr

Oral Language Development Lesson Plan:
Please note:
– Do the lesson for a 2nd grade class and focus on one of the following: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and/or pragmatics
– You must use the word template I provided.
– Use cpalms.org to select the standards.
-The reflection at the end of the lesson plan must be 3 paragraphs only.
Description: Oral language is important in the development of literacy and is considered integral in the reading process. Teachers will need to develop lessons for each subject assessed incorporating research based strategies to encourage the development and use of oral language as a system in a diverse population of students. The pre-service teacher will create lesson plans incorporating research based strategies which are integral to the development of language and literacy in a diverse population of students.
Directions: Utilizing the data from your assessments, develop an oral language Lesson Plan for each of the tested subjects. The lessons must incorporate research based language strategies that encourage the development of oral language (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and/or pragmatics) necessary for the acquisition of literacy. Apply theories and research on language acquisition and development in your lesson strategies and planned instruction.
Clarification — “Subjects” refers to the number of students/children assessed.If you assessed one “subject” then, develop one lesson plan.

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