Online SPC 1608 Final Exam/Paper (worth 50 points) Directions (this must be subm

Online SPC 1608 Final Exam/Paper (worth 50 points)
Directions (this must be submitted as a .doc or .docx file):
Using any of the chapters from the textbook (or a mix of terms/concepts from various chapters), I want you to write a reflection paper on what you’ve learned from the terms/concepts in one or more of those chapters.
Choose two key terms, concepts, or ideas from anywhere in the text to write about (ie. the words that are bolded and defined throughout the chapter, any headings, subheadings, etc.).
**For each key term, you need to write between 10 and 20 quality sentences (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font size) discussing/addressing the following 3 prompts to complete your discussion of the term:
How you used it in preparing your speech (ex. practicing, writing, brainstorming) (3-4 sentences minimum)
How you’ve seen it apply in your own life or in other people’s lives, or how it might apply in the future (3-4 sentences minimum)
What your thoughts are on that topic/concept in general (3-4 sentences minimum)
-For example (this would be a shorter version of what you might write), if one of the terms/concepts you choose is “noise,” you might write …
(#1) While I was preparing my speeches I always had to keep in mind that there would be noise in the classroom. Sometimes people walk in late, or whisper, and even seeing the time cards is a form of noise that I knew might interfere with my speech presentation, so I practiced having my friends whisper and hold up time cards while I practiced my speech to help me cope with these distractions. (#2) Knowing how to cope with noise will definitely help me in the future when I have to give presentations in other classes or for a job I might have. (#3) Lastly, the concept of noise is interesting to me because it’s something that can be internal, not just external. It’s important to remember that my own personal problems, plans for the day, or just daydreaming in class can keep me from receiving messages or successfully getting my message to someone else.
**Lastly, keep in mind:
List the terms/concepts, and the chapter/s you’ll be using at the top of your paper
Be careful not to define the term, you need to discuss it
Each term you discuss should be 1 to 2 substantial paragraphs (approximately a full-page double-spaced) in length
Underline each term when you use it the first time so it’s not overlooked when I’m grading (which would result in a loss of points)
Each key term you’ve discussed is worth 25 points of this 50 point final paper, so be sure you’ve put in as much effort as you can

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