One page only. Lable 1 & 2. 1)Many companies are considering reducing negative

One page only. Lable 1 & 2.
1)Many companies are considering reducing negative environmental impacts of conducting business. Some firms have changed manufacturing processes and or the materials that go into them to be more environmentally friendly.
When creating and enacting product strategies, what environmental issues must marketers address?
Provide at least one specific example using the Purdue Global Library or Internet.
Do some research on Interface Global Inc. and discuss how you think this company has benefitted in its marketing from becoming more sustainable environmentally. Can they substantiate their claims? Explain.
2)The daily market transactions for Treasury instruments are in the billions. The current average daily volume of “Treasuries” is approximately $150 billion. Like you, corporations may have extra cash to invest.
In this case, you, as a finance manager, are considering investing $50,000 in either a Treasury bill that you will renew every 6 months or in a 5-year Treasury note that you will hold until maturity. Current interest rates are expected to increase.
Would you invest in the Treasury bill or Treasury note? Discuss your reasoning.
Your initial discussion post must include one outside resource, which may include the Internet or Library, and must be cited according to current APA formatting.

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