NOTE: introduction will be written by me, because the deadline for it is earlier

NOTE: introduction will be written by me, because the deadline for it is earlier, I will upload it later today and you can extend it from there.
IMPORTANT: I would really need this paper to be done until Dec 9, 10 in the morning.Now the deadline says 3pm, but It would be great if you could manage to do it until 10.
To complete the assignment is required to analyse a brand by using brand Archetype theory.
The choice of brand: required to choose different brands, i.e. should not analyse the same brands in one group.
NOTE: the brands that are given as examples on iconic fox handouts cannot be used for analysis.
Theory of brand archetypes: Stephen Houraghan, (2018), The Ultimate Guide To Brand Archetypes: Hack the Mind of Your Customers. Iconicfox. ( or “The Hero and The Outlaw” by M.Mark & C.S.Pearson (2001).
Please follow theAPA 7th edition requirements for formatting and citing academic papers.
Note: dont use brands provided in the World doc.

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