My subject is the Water section of critical infrastructure. This is a rough draf

My subject is the Water section of critical infrastructure. This is a rough draft of the paper that is due on 12/2 and a powerpoint from it as well, which I will send next week. Thank you, friend! A rough draft of your final course project / paper should be submitted here. Each student was assigned a CI category to serve as the topic of the paper. The topic of the paper will be to conduct a sector level risk assessment on one sector of the nation’s critical infrastructure. The various sectors of critical infrastructure include: Agriculture and food, Defense industrial base, Energy, Public health and health care, National monuments and icons, Banking and finance, Drinking water and water treatment systems, Chemical, Commercial facilities, Dams, Emergency services, Nuclear reactors /materials/ waste, Information technology, Communications, Postal and shipping, Transportation systems, and Government facilities. The rough draft should address the following questions: 1) Scope of the Sector – How large is it, where key structures and facilities are located, list examples of some. 2) Threats – Review the threats associated with this sector 3) Vulnerability – Review the Vulnerabilities associated with this sector 4) Consequence – Review the consequences associated with this sector if an attack or accident were to occur. 5) Risk Assessment – Finally, give a risk assessment of the sector chosen which brings together the threats, vulnerability, and consequence. 6) Recommendations – Give some recommendations for how we can strengthen the overall level of security enjoyed by the sector chosen. The format of the paper should include a cover page, an abstract page, and a reference page. The rough draft paper should be 6, (including the cover page, abstract page, three pages of content, and reference page). Use double spaced formatting and Times New Roman 12 point font. Use a minimum of 7 sources. At least five sources should be peer reviewed scholarly journals. You must use APA (American Psychological Association) style to document your paper / cite your sources. You will also be required to give an in class presentation of your final project.

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