My group and I already completed the experiment regarding the research paper. I’

My group and I already completed the experiment regarding the research paper. I’m attaching all the docs and pictures need to write the research paper. I’m attaching 2 papers(papers from previous students who took the class) that my group referred to when we designed our experiment. I’m including my proposal that could be used for the research paper. I’m also attaching the guideline given by my professor. The ppt file with all the pictures has comments under it which could be used to discuss the outcome of the experiment. Also attaching 2 timelapse video that we attained(embryos in 40μM FH535). Some of the highlight from the timelapse was, Abnormal blastopore closure(slowed down because the embryos look to be at around stage 12.5 when it has be at stage 19 or 20), odd bulging in the embryos. More analysis with difference references is needed. For the concentration of FH535 our group decided on using 10μM, 20μM, 30μM, 40μM after preliminary experiments which is mentioned in my proposal. Include the pictures and the videos in the paper.

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