Malitzin, (Doña Marina, La Malinche) is one of the most enigmatic historical cha

Malitzin, (Doña Marina, La Malinche) is one of the most enigmatic historical characters in the
history of the conquest of Mexico. She was vilified for much of Mexican history as a traitor to her
people for translating for Hernan Cortes. Had she left behind a written account to render her
version of the story, what would she have said?
Using chapter 7 of Antonova’s The Essential Guide to Writing History Essays, this assignment asks you
to be creative and imagine (and write down) the history of the conquest of Mexico from the
perspective of Malitzin. She was a native Olutla women, in what is today Veracruz, outside of the
center of power that was Tenochtitlan, born of noble origins, but trafficked into slavery in her preteen years, and later “gifted” to Hernan Cortes as part of a peace offering by the Maya of
Potonchan. She was also a polyglot, a cultural guide, a negotiator, among the first mothers to
Cortes’ bicultural and biracial children and finally an encomendera.
You are now well-versed in the history of the conquest of Mexico, having read the accounts of the
leading chroniclers of the story: Hernán Cortés, Bernal Diaz del Castillo, and Bernardino de Sahagún
and his aides. What can Malitzin add to the story? Imagine you are Malitzin and write an imagined
primary source account by this extraordinary woman.
Your essay should show the following:
• That you’re comfortable with the events relating to the conquest of Mexico and that you’re able
to tell them from an imagined perspective.
• That you’ve taken the time to think through what Malitzin can add to the story.
• That you’ve learned how to cut the lard from your sentences.
• That you’ve learned to write simple, concise and elegant sentences.
The essay should be no less than 1000 words (double spaced about 4 pages).

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