Learning Objectives: Your final product pulls together the work you have done fo

Learning Objectives: Your final product pulls together the work you have done for Parts 1 and 2 adding additional information, reorganizing your paper, and incorporating feedback provided on Parts 1 and 2 of the assignment. By the time you complete this final part of the project, you should have expertise about the reform or innovation you have studied throughout the semester.
Potential Information Sources: You should continue to use the sources you have consulted throughout the semester, and additional sources as needed.
Requirements: Your final paper should include the information presented in Parts 1 and 2 with revisions based on feedback you received on these assignments and additional information based on your continual reading and analysis of the reform you have chosen to study. Your final reform analysis, typed in 12-point font and double spaced with one-inch margins. You should include a minimum of 10 sources (primarily those utilized for parts 1, 2 and additional sources as relevant). At least six sources must be peer-reviewed research articles published in academic journals. Label all sources that qualify as peer-reviewed research with the designation ** at the beginning of the reference entry. American Psychological Association (APA) citation standards should be used in the written document, and to compile a list of sources titled References.

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