Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me le

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me learn.Term Paper Instructions It’s about “The main trigger of the most middle-east political dispute.” Topic is already selected Each student will pick a topic on the Middle East, conduct research on that topic, and compose a term paper presenting the results of that research. Any topic on the Middle East, or any topic that is somehow connected to the Middle East, is acceptable and the list of potential subjects is infinite, but importantly I will not pick the topic for you. All students must provide the topic for their paper to me by Friday, 12 December. Hence, students should begin thinking about your research immediately. The submission of the topic should include the subject title and a short explanation of your research intentions. Your topics should be submitted as a Comment to a Thread in a Discussion Board which I will create for that purpose. I will approve the topics and return them to the students as I receive them but no later than Monday, 15 December. While no subject on the Middle East is out of bounds, many of your research topics will be denied primarily because they are far too broad. Students should THINK when choosing your topics, narrow the subject, and be precise. The paper must be: • 1) Submitted as a Microsoft Word Document attached to a thread to a Discussion Board that I will create for the purpose of submitting your paper. • 2) Short, not less than 5 pages and no longer than 7 pages. • 3) Double spaced with 1 inch margins top, bottom, and sides. • 4) Use Times New Roman and 12 point font. • 5) Have a List of References at the end of the paper with 8 sources, 4 of which must be from a source other than the internet. • 6) The reference and citations will use Chicago Style Manual format. • 7) The citations in the body of the paper will use scientific, parenthetical, citations (not footnotes or endnotes). Simple instructions for the overall guidelines for references and citations are attached to the Course Information Tab on the Jacksonville University Blackboard website for this course. The paper is short, but it should be well written. This requires a heightened effort to proofread. Insure that your composition is precise, well edited, and without redundancies. Samuel Clemens said, “I would have written a shorter book if I had more time.” This highlights the importance of editing. It is not the quantity of text that you create but the quality. Use that as your maxim in the composition of your paper.Grading for the paper will be:1) Content 50%2) Composition, quality, and grammar 30%3) References 20%
Requirements: As above   |   .doc file

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