Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology writing question and need an explanat

Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.The assignment should be APA format Part 1For this assignment you are tasked with listing your stressors for finals week. You should list at least 15 specific incidents that you find stressful. This could include all aspects of your social, academic, personal, and or job related activities. After listing them you should list how you are trying to cope with them. You may use terms from your text like:Approach problem-focused coping –taking control and confronting the problem head onAvoidance problem-focused coping – taking action to avoid having to deal with the problem by procrastinating or through prioritizing.Approach emotion-focused coping – opening up and acknowledging and expressing feelings.Avoidance emotion-focused coping – shutting down and suppressing unwanted thoughts and feelings.Part 2Introduction with literature review, purpose and hypothesis
Method section with including:
Reference page
Requirements: 2 pages   |   .doc file

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