Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need support

Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need support to help me learn.Topic 2 DQ 2 (Obj. 2.4)UpcomingAssessment DescriptionSingle-parent households and an increase in women in the workforce have both contributed to a significant increase in alternative care giving situations like day care or nursery school. Based on your understanding of attachment theory, how does this affect children? Now, discuss ethical and cultural strategies for promoting resilience, development, and wellness in early childhood.This discussion question is informed by the following CACREP Standard: 2.F.3.i. Ethical and culturally relevant strategies for promoting resilience and optimum development and wellness across the lifespan.TEXTBOOKSKail, R. V., & Cavanaugh, J. C. (2016). Human development: A life-span view (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth. ISBN-13: 9781305116641
Requirements: At least 250 words   |   .doc file

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