Learning Goal: I’m working on a policy writing question and need guidance to hel

Learning Goal: I’m working on a policy writing question and need guidance to help me learn.You will write a (3000 words) (EXCLUDING citations) about INTERNET ADDICTION. Paper evaluation criteria: introduction/background (20%), analysis of the issue (30%), examples (15%), conclusions (20%), complete and proper citations (15%). Include your insights and cite 8 references supporting articles as needed.The essay will be graded using the following criteria:* (3000 words) 15 pages*6 References*EXCELLENT INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND*Well-written ANALYSIS OF THE ISSUE*EXCELLENT EXAMPLES*EXCELLENT CONCLUSIONS*CIATIONS*APA Style*Clarity of ideas*Connections to course policy course*Supporting sources for your ideas*Well-written paper, excellent English grammar, spelling, punctuation, and in-text citations.*****MAKE SURE TO NOT COPY FROM ANY OTHER WORK BECAUSE A NEW PLAGIARISM TECHNOLOGY IS USED AND I WILL GET 0 IF THERE IS ANY PLAGIARISM FOUND*****
Requirements: 3000 words (15 pages)   |   .doc file

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