Learning Goal: I’m working on a other case study and need a reference to help me

Learning Goal: I’m working on a other case study and need a reference to help me learn.Assignment 3: Case Study 3 (Week 8) – Using KalturaInstructionsPart I: The Case Study link below is for the Case Study 3. Read and study the case and address each of the questions at the end of the study. In addressing each of the questions, create a Power Point presentation to include the following:- Problem- Identify and describe alternative solutions- Justify your recommendations for EACH questionPart II: In addition to the Power Point presentation, a 10-15 minute video will be required using Kaltura. In this video you will summarize your findings from your Powerpoint. This part of the assignment will provide the visual presentation of the case study.Instructions: Attach two files to the Case Study #3 assignment: 1) Power Point presentation (.ppt or .pptx file) and 2) Kaltura video. To access Kaltura, click on the “Add Stuff” icon on the toolbar of the Comments Box at the bottom of this screen.If you have questions or concerns in completing Part II, please contact me via Classroom Support.Case Study 3
Requirements: Follow the example attached   |   .ppt file

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