Learning Goal: I’m working on a nursing multi-part question and need a sample dr

Learning Goal: I’m working on a nursing multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.Modules 2 Assignment: Written Philosophy of Nursing Practice My philosophy of nursing practice is to encourage clients diagnosed with mental health illnesses to support each other in their communities, find a balance between life and work and have respect for their ways of life To prepare: Review the Week 1 Learning Resources, and particularly the handout on writing a philosophy of nursing practice and specific considerations in developing a philosophy statement.
Search the Walden Library and other sources for additional scholarly resources to support your philosophy of nursing practice.
Reflect on your Week 1 Discussion post and comments from colleagues that help to clarify your philosophy of nursing practice.
Consider how to be proactive in articulating a philosophy of nursing practice that can guide and support your development as a DNP.
Consider how to express the Walden University requirement to be a social change agent within your philosophy.
Develop your written philosophy of nursing practice in a paper of 4 pages, to include the following: Apply recommended elements of a philosophy statement.
Explain how your philosophy can accommodate your expanded awareness of practice issues as a DNP.
Explain how your philosophy reflects or supports advocacy of social change as a DNP.
Identify at least two middle range nursing theories and explain how they support your philosophy of nursing practice. Be specific and provide examples.
Explain how one or more interdisciplinary theories inform your philosophy of nursing practice. Be specific and provide examples.
You will also consider how nursing theory applies to and influences your philosophy of nursing practice.
Develop your written philosophy of nursing practice by identifying at least two middle range nursing theories that apply to your nursing practice and explaining how each theory supports your philosophy. Include at least two scholarly resources for this element of your philosophy.
Consider how interdisciplinary theory can further inform your philosophy of nursing practice.
Requirements: 4 pages   |   .doc file

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