Learning Goal: I’m working on a management writing question and need guidance to

Learning Goal: I’m working on a management writing question and need guidance to help me learn.Request: For this assignment you will explore, in-depth, a topic in Human Resources. You will build a research question based on “How can extrovert and introvert be both successful in the workplace”, and formulate conclusions based on your research. Conduct scholarly research related to the research question “How can extrovert and introvert be both successful in the workplace”. Suggested research options include: find facts, history, legal implications, conduct interviews, review case studies, and use other scholarly sources to address this research question.
o Your paper must use 3+ scholarly sources to support your research questions. o Your textbook may be one of your sources. o All scholarly sources should be appropriately cited using APA format. This resource may assist you with formatting and citing your sources in the APA format. • Write a paper and create a presentation covering your research question and conclusions.

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