Learning Goal: I’m working on a management report and need an explanation and an

Learning Goal: I’m working on a management report and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Hello will upload an instructions they are very clear you have to follow these rules strictly Choose four questions out of five Each question answer must be at least 500 words with citing inside and then mentioned in references later on. Use 1.5 spacing; Candara font, 11 size with margins of 1-1.5-1-1 (top-left-right-bottom) and page numbers.Try to use sources from the url in the instructions. This all should be in APA style. a. Give a title name to your work (this title must be used when you submit your work to Turnitin)b. Abstract: Purpose, Design/methodology/approach, Finding, Research limitations/implications, Practical implications, Originality/value (minimum number of words 200 words in total)c. Introduction (minimum number of words 500 words)d. Literature Review (Conceptual framework based on your four selectedquestions from your selected questions) You might draw a conceptual modelif you choose to have one.e. Discussionf. Conclusion and Recommendation for future researchWrite the question in the heading Follow the instructions uploaded strictly step by step read as much as you can.The report must be 4000 words minimum not including references uploaded instruction is your guide follow it what i wrote here is just a recap
Requirements: report

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