Learning Goal: I’m working on a management question and need a sample draft to h

Learning Goal: I’m working on a management question and need a sample draft to help me learn.Instructions:Consider planning a family gathering project.Create either a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) of the project or Gantt Chart for planning and scheduling the project. Discuss why you used the type of chart you did.
Determine and document both probabilistic (t0, tp, and tm) and deterministic time estimates. Discuss how you arrived at these time estimates.
Using MS Word, Google Docs, or similar software, create a PERT network diagram with the Critical Path (CP) identified.
Calculate the slack time for each activity. Discuss the ramifications of slack in the CP for the activities and the project as a whole.
Develop the network diagram from the probability estimates. Discuss which path you would take and why.
For each activity, determine hypothetical costs in a table. Include budgeted costs, percent complete, actual/projected cost, and over/under budget (and total). Discuss the rationale for how you derived these costs.
Crash an activity on the Critical Path. Discuss the ramifications of crashing the activity you crashed.

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