Learning Goal: I’m working on a management project and need support to help me l

Learning Goal: I’m working on a management project and need support to help me learn.Hello there, I have an upcoming project, I need help with please do this correctly and read the chapter, find an article similar to the chapter, and write a summary and do the ppt as asked , and if you have any questions rubric is available attached and attach resources. thanks in advance!nstructions for Initial Post:As stated in the project instructions in the Article Summary and Presentation Assignmentmodule, create an initial post. You’ll need to embed your video presentation file – do not attach the large video file. Next, attach your PowerPoint file. Last, please submit a copy of your report only to the Article Summary Written Report box – this is for review purposes only.A note about the video: Attached video files are strongly discouraged. They tend to be quite large, and will not generate the discussion you need for the forum. See samples of embedded videos in the Open Discussion – Ask Questions or Practicediscussion.
Requirements: not sure

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