Learning Goal: I’m working on a management presentation and need an explanation

Learning Goal: I’m working on a management presentation and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.listen to this podcast about Airbnb how they build their businesses:https://www.npr.org/2018/12/05/673814257/airbnbs-j…then make a summary on ppt that hits on the highlights. Information that might be of interest could include:What the entrepreneur(s) did prior to starting the business and how he/she/they ended up starting this particular business
Whether the business was run part-time initially or the founder(s) quickly jumped in full-time
Who else was involved in starting the business
What early successes and/or failures the entrepreneur(s) had in building the business
How the entrepreneur(s) scaled up the business (i.e., launched it into significant growth/expansion)
How the founder(s) maintained control over the quality of the business as it grew
Whether the founder(s) had difficulty letting go of control as the business grew
Anything particularly quirky or unusual about the story.
Conclude with a brief statement of “lessons learned.”
For this, you might, for ex., discuss what surprised you in the story,
what impressed you, what inspired you, what you learned about the “how”
of building a business, or even how you think the business founder(s)
should have done things differently.

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