Learning Goal: I’m working on a environmental science report and need a sample d

Learning Goal: I’m working on a environmental science report and need a sample draft to help me learn.Answers should be in APA Style with in-text quotation included.1. Introduction & History about plastic Manufacturing – 3 pages2. Overview of the visited plastic Manufacturer ( Factory floor layout, location – 2 pages.3. Plastic Manufacturing processes in details -3 pages.4. Industrial Plastic waste, disposal and recycling, – 3 pages.5. hazardous pollutants from the manufacturing process – 3 pages.6. How to control and contain industrial pollution – 2 pages. Front Page, Reference Page, Table of contents, Table of pictures, Table of figuresFont: Times New Roman , Size:12, Space:1.5 – **Plagiarism percentage less than 10% **

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