Learning Goal: I’m working on a entrepreneurship writing question and need a sam

Learning Goal: I’m working on a entrepreneurship writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.Please write a report that integrates your knowledge from the course Corporate Entrepreneurship.
The report should be structured according to the following six parts. 1. Introduction. The introduction should include an introduction to and definition of corporate
entrepreneurship. What is corporate entrepreneurship and why is it important? Introduce a
company that you will write about and explain why (You have four alternatives: Sandvik,
Acciona, LVMH, Mapfre). Introduce and clearly describe one theory that you will use in the
assignment. The theory should be one of the three discussed in class (network theory,
dynamic capabilities, absorptive capacity). 2. Describe your selected company. Describe the company and how they facilitate
entrepreneurship. Use practical examples and apply your theory. Describe and discuss which
cycle of corporate entrepreneurship the company has passed through lately and is in today. 3. Identify an opportunity. Describe important aspects when identifying and capitalizing on
new opportunities. Apply your theoretical perspective into the discussion. Identify an
attractive opportunity for your selected company by analyzing relevant sources and trends.
4. Business Plan. Create a business plan for the opportunity identified in the previous section.
Include a concise and convincing executive summary highlighting the most important aspects
of the business plan in the report. Other detailed parts of the business plan such as the
product/service analysis, corporate fit, market analysis, marketing plan, profitability analysis,
plan for further action should be placed in the appendix. 5. Funding. Describe and discuss in detail important behavioral and strategic aspects that need
to be taken into consideration in the funding phase of your business opportunity. Give
practical advice and apply the theory. 6. Conclusion. Make a short reflection and conclude your work. 7. List of reference.
8. Appendix. Detailed business plan

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