Learning Goal: I’m working on a economics case study and need support to help me

Learning Goal: I’m working on a economics case study and need support to help me learn.Note: all information and files required are in the Zip filethe research will be in 3 stages as listed bellow:Literature Review Instructions (Stage # 1) Final Deadline: Monday, 4 October 2021 at 11:59 PM Submission: Electronically via LMS Length: Appx. 600 – 700 Words Value: 2% of total grade + FEEDBACK By now, you should have an idea of the topic that you want to research. This means that you now have to identify relevant literature. The literature review is not intended to exhibit new information / data on the intended research topic. You should conduct your literature review with the following steps: Formulate an idea or topic you would like to develop a research study or proposal about.
Begin the search! Start to locate the literature on the subject matter you have chosen to develop a research proposal (databases, Google Scholar, etc.)
Find 7-10 sources related to your search.
Begin to decide which studies/articles are good, useful and related to your proposed research proposal (read the abstracts and discussion/conclusion, to help indicate whether the resource is related to your research proposal). This will help to narrow your Focus!You should narrow it down to approximately 6 articles.
While collecting useful resources, begin to create a reference page using APA citation.
Summarize and paraphrasing the 6 articles.
After summarizing and paraphrasing the six articles, write another paragraph analyzing the 6 articles. The analysis should include the following elements:How are the articles alike,
How are the articles different,
Identify the “gap(s) in information” / Issues that all the article missed
A critique of a source / sources
A synthesis of sources
Use the rubric to guide you with your task. Moreover, make sure you pay attention to your writing – syntax, grammar, and spelling. A Turnitin link will be set up for you on the LMS. Moreover, additional links to check your plagiarism will also be set up for your benefit.——————-&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&——————————-Phase 2 (The Methodology): Assignment in Brief Topic: Phase 2 – The Methodology Total Value: 2 Points, feedback is given Due: Monday, November 1, 2021 at 11:59 PM (By LMS) May begin submission on 29 October, 29, 2021 at 00:01
Length: Appx. 500-600 words The Methodology Content: In this phase of your research proposal, you should:Describe in as much detail what tools you are going to use to collect data and why.For example: The group will conduct surveys at 3 nearby hospitals because we just want to know who has been treated for a vitamin D deficiency. The research is not concerned about interviews or focus groups because that is not the aim of the research.
Describe the procedure how you will acquire your data.For example: For the next 6 months, the group will have 3 teams of four volunteers conducting surveys every weekend. The goal is to reach 300 participants by the end of 6 months. If the number is reached sooner than 6 months, the group will move immediately move onto analyzing the data.
State the problems that you anticipate and the steps you will take to prevent/minimize them.For example: Limitations and delimitations.
DO NOT analyze the data, yet. That is phase 3.
Writing Tasks Write this section with the following features: Formatting 1 page in length information should fill the full page
1″ margin top-bottom; .5″-1″ left-right no underlining; no frames
1 font, different point sizes, use indents as appropriate
Effects: boldface, SMALL CAPS, italics use headings and indents as appropriate
Use line spacing effectively align left – do not justify or center text
Use white space tactically to help ‘fill up’ the page
Correctness: Correct spelling, wording, capitalization, grammar, punctuation, chronology…
Formatting: uniform headings, indents, font sizing, filling up the page, line spacing Writing Task
——————-&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&——————————-The Expected Findings/Results/Discussion (Stage # 3)Final Deadline: July 3, 2021 at 11:59 PMSubmission: Electronically via LMSLength: 425-550 WordsValue: 2% of total grade and FEEDBACKAt this point in time, you should be well aware of the general direction your research proposal is going. This means you now need to explain the expected findings. In other papers you may also see it written as the results section. There is also a discussion section, so there are actually two portions to this section. The first portion is the expected findings.This portion is best used if you use a compare/contrast approach. REMEMBER – BE OBJECTIVE!!!You are to analyze your data. What have you found so far?
Does it match up completely with your hypothesis / hypotheses?Was your hypothesis partially correct?
Was your hypothesis completely wrong?
Include negative data that goes against your hypothesis
How does your data compare to other similar studies within the KSA OR the surrounding GCC, or even other countries (Depending on the study)?
This portion is best used if you used an opinion essay approach. REMEMBER – OPINIONS ARE GREAT, SO LONG THEY ARE BACKED UP BY FACTS !!!Discuss/interpret your results.
Tell a background story in order to explain the findings.
Based on the analysis from the previous section, in what direction will the research take from here?
Reasonably speaking, and assuming you were fully funded for the research, how long do you think a full research would take?
Concise in reporting findings
Factual in reporting findings
The second portion is the discussion.ALSO, you may include some sort of pictorial / graphic, chart, etc…. so long as it relates to the study.Please be:Remember, there is no magical number of pages. Typically, this section is not restricted as data dictates the size of this section, but 425-550 words should be ok here.
Please do not:Ignore results that you may not like (negative results)
Include raw (unanalyzed data)
Present same data more than once
Confuse graphics (e.g. confusing tables, charts, graphs, etc…)
This portion of the research IS NOT a description of sources. A list of sources is very useful and aids an explanation.Understand that you need to cite your sources in accordance with APA standards. That means a reference page as well as in-text citation.
Requirements: ~1500 In total   |   .doc file

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