Learning Goal: I’m working on a communications multi-part question and need an e

Learning Goal: I’m working on a communications multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.please use this book Adler, Ronald B., et al. Interplay. 14th ed., Oxford, 2018. ISBN: 9780190646257 .Please see the instructions that follow for this last Review Activity 5 assignment. This activity is focused on culture, listening, and conflict managementFor question 1 see “Nonverbal Codes” on page 58 in textbook.
For question 2 see “Challenge of Listening” pages 202-204 in textbook.
For question 3 see “Conflict Styles” pages 327-334 in textbook.
Instructions For each of the review questions, provide an explanation with brief example. See instructions for each question in assignment on Canvas. Only use textbook and personal experience when answering questions. No outside sources for thisassignment. You need to double space the assignment.Activity:1. Name one aspect of nonverbal communication that differs from culture to culture. How would you help toovercome this difference when communicating with someone from a different culture?2. What is one tip for good listening? Describe an example of a challenge listeners face (like a distraction, or atype of nonlistening) and how you might use listening to overcome it.3. What style of conflict do you most commonly use? Name one benefit and one drawback of that style.

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