Learning Goal: I’m working on a communications discussion question and need an e

Learning Goal: I’m working on a communications discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Discussion Posting #8 – Weeks 15 & 16: Our Gendered Future: What Now?For this Discussion/Posting #8, we will discuss the most pressing issues regarding gender for our future and action steps and solutions that we need to bring forth regarding gender.Please answer the following questions in relation to this unit.Refer to course concepts and material in your response.Please respond to at least two of your peer responses as well.Total Points:25 pointsHere are my parameters (which will help guide you in terms of what I am looking for):*Your Initial Post (you have to answer questions in an initial posting on every discussion): This should be 250 words single-spaced.*Your Responses To Your Peers: You are required to provide at least two responses — one to a different peer — in the discussion. Each of these peer responses should be about 130 words single-spaced.This unit highlights the importance of reflecting on our gendered future.We have spent the entire semester engaging various gender issues, topics, and concepts. These issues are incredibly important in that we are all gendered in specific ways (while other genders are often marginalized or obscured) — we also are involved in friendships and relationships with other genders and indeed, gender plays a central role in our lives.For our final discussion, let’s spend time discussing ways to bring genders together in meaningful, constructive, continuous interactions and relationships with mutual understanding, respect, and affirmation.I want us to spend time on analyzing key gender issues for our future and brainstorming “solutions” or “action steps” to create more gender understanding and affirmation in our society.*What do you see as the three (3) most pressing issues regarding gender/gender communication for our future?Specify these issues that will continue to be important from this point forward and on to our future (for example, gender communication, gender relationships, gender socialization, gender violence, transgender rights, recognizing various genders, gender policy in terms of reproductive rights, equal pay, legal protection, sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, masculinity and violence, among others).Justify why you see these issues as being most important.*What do you see as the 1-2 key things that we need to do as a society in order to create more gender awareness, gender understanding, and positive and respectful gender relationships?Should there be training and awareness workshops?Should all environments have an immersive way to understand each gender from its perspective?Discuss what we could do as a society by way of programs, education, incentives, laws and policies, mixed/cooperative housing, and other social interactional opportunities?*What are some specific/concrete ways in which you as an individual could help to create more gender awareness and understanding in your community and workplace?At SJSU? At your church or place of worship?In your athletic teams or leisure venues?Among your network of friends and loved ones?Discuss these.*Is there something Dr. Halualani could do to help create positive and transformative gender relations and understanding through this class that helps SJSU as a community and beyond SJSU?

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